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English |
Relatori ad Invito
Evelyn N. Wang
Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Assistant
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, USA
Evelyn Wang received her
BS from MIT in 2000, and her MS and PhD from Stanford University in
2001 and 2006, respectively. From 2006-2007, she was a postdoctoral
researcher at Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent. Evelyn is an expert in
micro- and nano-scale fabrication, devices, and engineering, and
single- and two-phase heat and mass transport. She has worked
extensively in the area of thermal management, and her previous
projects include the development of microchannel and microjet
impingement cooling technologies. Her current work involves
exploring complex nanostructures for novel and enhanced
functionalities for applications in thermal management, water
desalination, and solar thermal energy conversion.
She is a recipient of the 2007 DARPA Young Faculty Award.
Web page |
Barry Azzopardi
Lady Trent Professor
of Chemical Engineering
University of Nottingham,
Barry Azzopardi is
currently Head of the Department of Chemical and Environmental
Engineering at the University of Nottingham. His key areas of
research activity are linked to flow patterns in pipes of different
orientation, phase separation in vessels and T junctions, drop size
measurement in complex systems, demisting, and gas cleaning. Barry
is responsible for Multiphase Flow Research, which finds
applications in the oil/gas production, oil refining, chemical
process and power sectors of industry. He has over 100 technical
publications. He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the
Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Michele Ciofalo
Ordinario di Impianti Nucleari Università degli Studi di Palermo
Michele Ciofalo è si è
laureato nel 1980 in Ingegneria Nucleare presso l’Università di
Palermo e nel 1993 ha ottenuto il PhD in ingegneria meccanica presso
la City University di Londra, e nel 1999 il titolo di Doctor of
Science (DSc) in meccanica dei fluidi. Le sue ricerche hanno
riguardato principalmente la termofluidodinamica computazionale e
sperimentale, con particolare riguardo alla turbolenza e alla sua
modellazione. Michele si è occupato anche di processi stocastici,
sicurezza nucleare, fenomeni di trasporto a nanoscala in fisiologia
e applicazioni delle radiazioni ionizzanti. Attualmente insegna
“Termoidraulica Monofase e Bifase”, “Termofluidodinamica
Numerica” e “Metodi Ottici in Termofluidodinamica”. E’ stato
relatore di circa 50 tesi di laurea, 10 tesi di dottorato e vari
assegni di ricerca, ed è autore o coautore di circa 160
pubblicazioni scientifiche.