UIT 2010

28th UIT Heat Transfer Congress

Brescia, Italy, June 21 -23, 2010

Istruzioni per Memorie

Temi del Congresso
Comitato Organizzatore
Comitato Scientifico
Istruzioni per Memorie
Istruzioni per Poster Trailers
Istruzioni per Dottorandi
I Relatori ad Invito
Alberghi e Turismo
Come Raggiungere la Sede
Galleria Fotografica
Riassunti Accettati
Atti Pubblicati


Istruzioni per l'invio del Riassunto

Il riassunto di circa 500 parole va inviato in formato pdf al seguente indirizzo e-mail: uit2010@ing.unibs.it 

Se fra gli autori c'è un dottorando, gli autori devono chiaramente specificare in questa occasione se desiderano partecipare alla selezione per la presentazione orale da parte del dottorando con relativo concorso al premio per la migliore presentazione.

Istruzioni per l'invio delle Memorie

Le memorie vanno preparate in Inglese o Italiano (preferibilmente in Inglese) secondo uno dei templates (Word-RTF, OpenOffice o LaTeX) contenuti nel file UIT2010-Templates.zip scaricabile cliccando QUI. Le memorie vanno inviate in formato pdf al seguente indirizzo e-mail: uit2010@ing.unibs.it Nel caso di più autori, è necessario indicare nell'email chi è da considerarsi l'autore di riferimento ai fini del pagamento della quota di iscrizione al congresso (vedere punto successivo).

Regarding Color Figures, please note the following:

  • mount figures, tables and photographs directly in the paper in their final position

  • supply good quality material, but remember that your paper must not exceed 6 pages length and 2 MB size

  • make sure that color material is readable also in black and white, as colors will be available only in the CD, whereas in the book of proceedings papers will be printed in black and white

Pubblicazione delle Memorie negli Atti del Congresso

Per motivi tecnici, logistici ed economici, saranno pubblicate negli Atti del Congresso (CD e Volume cartaceo con ISBN) solo le memorie per le quali, alla verifica del 21 maggio 2010, il "corresponding author" risulti in regola con il pagamento della quota di iscrizione al congresso secondo le istruzioni riportate alla voce Registrazione.

Gli autori sono invitati ad iniziare la procedura di Registrazione con largo anticipo! La nostra casa editrice non ci concede alcuna flessibilità circa la scadenza del 21 Maggio!

Email inviata il 29 Marzo agli autori di riferimento dei riassunti accettati

Re: UIT2010 - Abstracts accepted & other important INFO

Dear Author,

the Scientific Committee of the UIT2010 Heat Transfer Congress has posted the list of accepted abstracts. Please visit the website http://uit2010.ing.unibs.it/ to verify the status of your submission.

If your abstract has been accepted, we kindly ask you to proceed as follows:

1) Reply immediately to this email and please provide us with a tentative list of participants from your Department (including yourself) that you expect to attend the Congress. Of course, this information is not at all binding, but as you may well understand, it will help us very much in our organizational effort. So, please do not add names to the list if the chance that they will register and come to Brescia is less than 95%. Please also check on the website whether we have placed your abstract in the appropriate session, as we have subdivided them tentatively by Conference Topic.

2) Register as soon as possible by following the detailed instructions in the website. Please note that at least one of the authors must have completed the registration procedure by May 21st in order to ensure publication of a paper in the Congress Proceedings. CAUTION: the registration procedure requires several days, because to complete it you must produce a bank statement of completed wire transfer, so please initiate the process well in advance!

3) Start immediatly to prepare your final manuscript by following the detailed instructions contained in the templates available from the website. Please NOTE that, except for the three keynote contributions, articles exceeding 6 pages will not be included in the proceedings. Articles must be sent in camera ready PDF format by May 14th. Since May 14th is the very final deadline imposed by our publisher, we urge you to submit as soon as possible, and we strongly suggest that you set for yourself a deadline at least a week before and you use the last week to polish up your english writing and the style and clarity of your presentation.

4) Prepare your 70x100cm poster and start thinking about your poster trailer Powerpoints. However, please note that detailed instructions for poster trailer Powerpoints (number of slides and timing) will be posted on the website after May 21st, when the actual number of participants will be defined and, hence, the Congress program can be made more specific.

5) If you asked to participate in the selection for oral presentation by a PhD student author or coauthor, thus participating for the competition for the best such presentation, please note that we had an overwhelming number of such requests, therefore, the Scientific Committee will operate the selection based on the quality of final paper that you will submit. The decision and the time allotted for each such presentation will be posted on the website as soon as possible after May 21st.

Thank you for your efforts in making this Congress an exciting scientific event and arrivederci in Brescia!

Organizing Committee UIT 2010

Website: http://uit2010.ing.unibs.it/

E-mail: uit2010@ing.unibs.it

Tel.: +39 0303715566

Fax: +39 0303715942